I want to thank you for taking the time to look at my portfolio.  I have chosen some samples of my work which I believe illustrate my abilities as they relate to the described functions of the News Video Producer/Editor position at Genius.  You may also want to look at other examples in my documentary portfolio or take a moment to view my video resume and see what colleagues have to say about me.
ABC News produced this piece in honor of Dr Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday in 2017.  I discussed the materials we would need with the producer before he traveled to Atlanta for the shoot.  As is my preferred method of working, I edited the whole piece from raw footage generating the script while creating the rough cut.  I then worked with the Producer and Executive Producer to finalize the piece for air.  

Telling the story of one of the greatest men in history in a short format would almost necessarily present an incomplete and flawed picture and would be at risk of being trite.  Instead, Voice of King offers a different perspective on the legacy of Dr. King by focusing on how he has inspired one man, Stephon Ferguson,  and how that inspiration is then transmitted to a younger generation.   I believe it succeeds in painting an accurate portrait of a man who has truly found his calling in life and in presenting him in a relatable way.  I believe however, that I should have tightened up the top to grab the audience as the mustache trimming footage is not necessarily the most gripping material.  In addition, we could have made the piece more thought-provoking with additional voices to comment on how Stephon's work relates to Dr. King's legacy.  

This episode of the Food Forecast series follows ABC meteorologist Ginger Zee as she explores how Bees are intimately linked to our food production.   I edited the piece from 50 hours of raw footage, worked with Ginger to script the to-camera interstitial transitions and voice overs after I completed the rest of the edit, shot supplemental footage in the studio (food beauty shots), and ideated the explanatory graphics.

The relationship that farmers have to bees is very complicated and I believe the piece does a solid job of briefly outlining the basic economics and difficulties of beekeeping while coherently using the structure of a road-trip and a few lead characters to take the audience along on the journey.  The piece would have been even better with a little more time spent on the current decline of bee populations, perhaps with an additional graphic, and a little less reliance on the interstitials, I think.
Shot in Australia, this kick-off  episode for the series Young and Gifted was a joy to edit.  Quincy was extremely articulate and composed for a 7 year old and the footage was beautiful.  It is rare to have a piece where instead of searching for a usable shot,  I have the luxury of wishing I could use even more of the B-Roll.  I think that the real success of this piece is the extent to which it's hard not to find this little surfer adorable.  However, I wish I had imparted a greater sense of just how absurd it is that Quincy is only seven years old.  In addition, I think the whole series would have benefitted from avoiding the to camera self introductions.
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